
Thursday, 11 December 2014


このテレクラスでは、そのような質問に対応、Q アンド A 方式で進めていきます。ご質問は前もってメールで送っていただくこともできます。登録された方、参加された方には、終了後、テレクラスの録音ファイルをメールいたします。この...

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Thursday, 23 October 2014

Turning Your Challenges into Miracles - Full Series Paid Tele-call

A challenge is something we do to make us do something that we wouldn’t normally do. A miracle is something that surpasses all known methods. What if we could turn our challenges into miracles with ease? What if our health problems, money problems, business problems and relationship problems were something that could be transformed into something far greater than we could imagine. We know that fighting doesn’t work. We know that battling against it doesn’t work. So what does work? What if some simple alchemical methods of asking questions would open up totally new possibilities?

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Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Turning Your Challenges into Miracles - Free Tele-call

A challenge is something we do to make us do something that we wouldn’t normally do. A miracle is something that surpasses all known methods. What if we could turn our challenges into miracles with ease? What if our health problems, money problems, business problems and relationship problems were something that could be transformed into something far greater than we could imagine. We know that fighting doesn’t work. We know that battling against it doesn’t work. So what does work? What if some simple alchemical methods of asking questions would open up totally new possibilities?

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Thursday, 9 October 2014

I"ll be happy if or when ______ [fill in the blank]

Is this how it is? You’ll be happy if something happens. Or you’ll be happy when something – the thing you’re holding onto – happens. How’s that working out for you? What about being happy right now? What about having a life right now?
What if choosing to be...

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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

What if you could undo the effects of radiation with ease?

What if you could undo the effects of radiation with total ease? Access Consciousness offers a body process that can do just that. Imagine being able to undo the affects on the body of nuclear disasters, radiation therapy, working in the nuclear industry, mining or simply being in a radiographer where you are exposed to radiation on a daily basis. Look no further. This body process can do just that and, if you combine it with other body processes, you may just enable further possibilities in someone’s life.

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Sunday, 5 October 2014

Can holding someone"s head improve their relationships?

What if you could improve someone’s relationship by simply holding their head? You can by running their Bars, an easy, simply and effective technique that can not only improve your relationship but also have dramatic effects throughout your entire life, living and reality.

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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Body Process Class - Elimination & Eradication of Specific Gravities

This body process eliminates what we have done to our bodies to make ourselves heavy and serious to fit into this reality. This is a real “cooker” and seems to require being run a number of times. Will vary with person.
This process will bring you more into communion with your body...

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Body Process Class - Source Field for the Elimination & Eradication of the Radioactive Inception of Death

This class will be conducted in both Japanese and English
This is a special body process to be used when people are affected by radiation. It is particularly useful for those affected by radiation in Japan and food that has been irradiated.

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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Money, does it grow on trees?

Have you always known that you could have a different possibility with money but never actually achieved it? Have you always wondered why you have always struggled with money?
In this class, we explore the idea of whether money grows on trees. From our point of view, money certainly does grow on...

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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Common Sense Relationship - Clarity Afternoon

Have you always known you could have an awesome relationship with your partner but never actually achieved it? Have you always wondered why your partner doesn’t seem to understand you?
In this class, we explore the idea of common sense in relationship. Is there such a thing as common sense...

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Sunday, 13 July 2014

Ninety Eight Percent

What if there was an easy way of dealing with ninety eight percent of all of the stuff that bothers you? What if none of it was yours? What if 98% of the thoughts, feelings, emotions and pain where not yours? What if there was an easy way of dealing with it simply by asking a question? The question gives an awareness. You are then free to choose what to do. How does that sound?

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Saturday, 12 July 2014

Happiness is just a Choice

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that you’ll be happy when you get married? You’ll be happy when your case is resolved? You’ll be happy when you retire? You’ll be happy when you win the lottery? If you are thinking any of these, or something similar, you are not...

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Stressed? Is it time to get your Bars run?

We’ve all had those days where we’ve been stressed to the max. We’ve come home from work not in a good state and our partner says something to us and we let loose. Wow, did s/he really deserve that? ...

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The Crazy Phrase

Is there a monkey inside your head, madly pedaling his bicycle and running your mind?  Do you find yourself thinking the same thoughts again and again and again, with no “off” switch?  Where is the alt/control/delete for your mind when you need it?
A simple tool from Access Consciousness® can st...

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Reciprocating Dimensionalities

Have you ever had a body issue that never truly goes away? You think you’ve dealt with it but then it comes back. You deal with it and then it comes back. Unfortunately, these issues can be from a totally different reality and, as such, just dealing with it here in this...

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Can one hour change your life?

Well, yes, of course it can. A whole myriad of things can occur in one hour from the good, the bad and the ugly. You could win the lottery, you could get an illness or your relationship could end. However, what I’m referring to here is something totally different. It’s something so...

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Choice - the Key to Changing Everything

Choice is the key to changing everything. A tool only gets you so far as you still have to make a choice to change what is not working for you. You always have choice whether you realise it or not. There are also big choices and little choices to consider. What choice are you refusing to make that would change everything? Choose now!

Read More: Choice - the Key to Changing Everything